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Aug 2, 2021

[Answer] Where can you visit Frankenstein Castle?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you visit Frankenstein Castle? "

...1. Norway 2. Transylvania 3. Slovakia 4. Germany

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you visit Frankenstein Castle? "

Germany - Mary Shelley was said to have spent time in Germany’s Rhine Valley while writing her 1818 novel “Frankenstein,” so it’s possible she might have caught a glimpse of a foreboding Gothic castle in the hills and used it as inspiration. But either way, the real-life Frankenstein Castle certainly fits the bill. The castle has long been surrounded by myth and legend, thanks to its most infamous resident, alchemist Johann Konrad Dippel. He was born in the castle in 1673 and was known for creating elixirs and experiments with animal cadavers as he sought the secret to immortality. While it's never been proven that Shelley's inspiration was Dippel himself, the restored castle nonetheless embraces its legendary past. It hosts an annual Halloween festival, one of Europe’s largest Halloween celebrations, and spooky horror dinners at the on-site restaurant.:

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