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Aug 28, 2021

[Answer] Which state capital was originally named Pumpkinville?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which state capital was originally named Pumpkinville?"

...1. Sacramento 2. Phoenix 3. Carson City 4. Santa Fe

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which state capital was originally named Pumpkinville?"

Phoenix - Before Phoenix was laid out in 1868, the nearby settlement of Pumpkinville had been around for about a year, named for the wild pumpkins that grew in the area. The townspeople of Pumpkinville got together to cement an official name for the new town just to the west. Phoenix’s founder, Jack Swilling, proposed the name, “Stonewall,” in honor of Stonewall Jackson, but the name that ultimately won was proposed by Lord Darrell Duppa, who saw the town as rising from the ashes — just like the mythical bird it was named after. The original Pumpkinville now lies roughly at the intersection of Van Buren and 28th Street in Phoenix.:

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