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Sep 5, 2021

[Answer] What was the name of the pet mouse in the film "The Green Mile"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " What was the name of the pet mouse in the film "The Green Mile"? "


The name of the pet mouse in the 1999 film "The Green Mile" was Mr. Jingles. This is a mouse that is seen throughout the film. Mr. Jingles becomes a pet of John Coffey played by Michael Clarke Duncan, a death row inmate. Mr. Jingles also becomes an entertainer to the rest of the occupants on death row (the "Green Mile"). Mr. Jingles is trained by John to do very specific things and becomes a real support to the death row prisoners and to the guards to a lesser extent.

Overall the film is focused on the death row operation of a Southern prison. A gentle giant John Coffey is in the prison on the Green Mile. He is a guy who possesses the mysterious power to heal/resurrect animals (Mr. Jingles) and people. He can cure individuals with very serious and deadly ailments. When the cell block's head guard (Paul Edgecomb played by Tom Hanks) recognizes Coffey's miraculous gift, he tries desperately to help stave off John's execution.

More Info: www.humanehollywood.org

Step 2 : Answer to the question " What was the name of the pet mouse in the film "The Green Mile"? "


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