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Nov 16, 2021

[Answer] What flower is used to represent remembrance for fallen soldiers in the United Kingdom?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What flower is used to represent remembrance for fallen soldiers in the United Kingdom?"

...1. Rose 2. Daffodil 3. Poppy 4. Foxglove

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What flower is used to represent remembrance for fallen soldiers in the United Kingdom?"

Poppy - In the United Kingdom in November, it is common to see people wearing a red poppy on their lapel. Wreaths of poppies are also laid at war memorials around the country. It is a symbol of remembrance for those soldiers who have died in war. It dates back to World War I, when fighting in Europe saw the French countryside dug into muddy trenches where little could survive. Yet the resilient Flanders poppy made a striking splash of crimson on the otherwise bleak landscape. The sight led John McCrae to write the famous poem "In Flanders Fields." After the war, the Royal British Legion decided to start selling them each year to help raise funds for veterans and the poppy became a part of annual remembrance services.:

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