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Dec 9, 2021

[Answer] Mount Kosciuszko is the tallest mountain in which country?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Mount Kosciuszko is the tallest mountain in which country?"

...1. Australia 2. Poland 3. Brazil 4. Argentina

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Mount Kosciuszko is the tallest mountain in which country?"

Australia - With a height of 7,310 feet, Mount Kosciuszko is the tallest mountain in Australia. Located in New South Wales, Mount Kosciuszko was named by a Polish explorer in 1840 in honor of the Polish political hero Tadeusz Kościuszko. The peak is a part of Kosciuszko National Park, which includes a few other mountains in the Australian Alps. Recently, some Indigenous groups have been pushing to use the native name of the summit, "Kunama Namadgi," alongside its European moniker. Whatever you call it, the mountain is a favorite destination for hikers, many of whom consider it to be one of the "Seven Summits." Each of the Seven Summits is the highest mountain on its respective continent, so there's some question as to whether Kosciuszko or Puncak Jaya in Indonesia (a part of Oceania) should take the title. Either way, only Kosciuszko can claim to be the tallest peak Down Under.:

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