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Apr 11, 2022

[Answer] 3. A little off the topic, can you name the 17th James Bond film, which refers to a group 11 element with an atomic number of 79?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. A little off the topic, can you name the 17th James Bond film, which refers to a group 11 element with an atomic number of 79?"

...1. Pushing Tin 2. Goldeneye 3. Silverado 4. Carbon Copy "Goldeneye"(1995), the seventeenth of the Bond movies (excluding "Casino Royale" from 1967 and "Never Say Never Again" from 1983), was the first to star Pierce Brosnan as Bond and Judi Dench as M, Bond's boss. The plot is rather convoluted (not unusual) and involves Bond going up against the Russian Mafia and the beautiful villain, Xenia Onatopp, to find the controls to "Goldeneye", a "high tech satellite weapons system"*. If you're still interested, see the film. The incorrect choices are: "Pushing Tin" (1999) about the feud between two air traffic controllers; "Silverado", a 1985 Western; and "Carbon Copy", a 1981 comedy about a white executive and his black son.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. A little off the topic, can you name the 17th James Bond film, which refers to a group 11 element with an atomic number of 79?"


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