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Jun 17, 2022

[Ans] In 1938, Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel were paid $130 for the rights to which fictional character?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In 1938, Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel were paid $130 for the rights to which fictional character?"

Superman was the creation of two teenagers from Cleveland, Ohio: writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joseph Shuster. The boys were students at Glenville High School when they met in 1931 and shared a passion for science fiction stories. In March 1938, Siegel and Shuster sold the rights to Superman to Detective Comics, later known as DC Comics, for a mere $130. By this point, they had already accepted the idea that Superman would never be a success. After Superman became a great success, the pair attempted to reclaim the rights to the character which sparked a series of legal battles over ownership and royalties that would continue long after their deaths.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In 1938, Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel were paid $130 for the rights to which fictional character?"


Superman was the creation of two teenagers from Cleveland, Ohio: writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joseph Shuster. The boys were students at Glenville High School when they met in 1931 and shared a passion for science fiction stories. In March 1938, Siegel and Shuster sold the rights to Superman to Detective Comics, later known as DC Comics, for a mere $130. By this point, they had already accepted the idea that Superman would never be a success. After Superman became a great success, the pair attempted to reclaim the rights to the character which sparked a series of legal battles over ownership and royalties that would continue long after their deaths.

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