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Jun 14, 2022

[Ans] Which of these countries does not have an eponymous capital city?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these countries does not have an eponymous capital city?"

An eponym is the person, place, or thing that something else is named after. For example, Gustave Eiffel is the eponym of the Eiffel Tower. Daniel Fahrenheit is an eponym of the temperature scale that bears his name, and Henry Ford is the eponym of the Ford Motor Company. Other examples of eponyms include the countries Panama, Mexico, and Guatemala because Panama City is named after Panama; Mexico City after Mexico; and Guatemala City after Guatemala. Poland, on the other hand, would not be an eponym of its capital, Warsaw.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these countries does not have an eponymous capital city?"


An eponym is the person, place, or thing that something else is named after. For example, Gustave Eiffel is the eponym of the Eiffel Tower. Daniel Fahrenheit is an eponym of the temperature scale that bears his name, and Henry Ford is the eponym of the Ford Motor Company. Other examples of eponyms include the countries Panama, Mexico, and Guatemala because Panama City is named after Panama; Mexico City after Mexico; and Guatemala City after Guatemala. Poland, on the other hand, would not be an eponym of its capital, Warsaw.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which of these countries does not have an eponymous capital city?"

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