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Jul 31, 2022

[Ans] Soccer star David Beckham is married to Victoria Beckham, aka which Spice Girl?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Soccer star David Beckham is married to Victoria Beckham, aka which Spice Girl?"

Victoria Beckham is a fashion designer and singer chiefly known for her work with the Spice Girls and for being the wife of soccer star David Beckham. In the late 1990s, Victoria Beckham rose to fame with the all-female pop group Spice Girls and was dubbed Posh Spice by the July 1996 issue of the British pop music magazine Top of the Pops. According to Rolling Stone journalist and biographer David Sinclair, "Scary, Baby, Ginger, Posh and Sporty were the most widely recognized group of individuals since John, Paul, George, and Ringo".

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Soccer star David Beckham is married to Victoria Beckham, aka which Spice Girl?"

Posh Spice:

Victoria Beckham is a fashion designer and singer chiefly known for her work with the Spice Girls and for being the wife of soccer star David Beckham. In the late 1990s, Victoria Beckham rose to fame with the all-female pop group Spice Girls and was dubbed Posh Spice by the July 1996 issue of the British pop music magazine Top of the Pops. According to Rolling Stone journalist and biographer David Sinclair, "Scary, Baby, Ginger, Posh and Sporty were the most widely recognized group of individuals since John, Paul, George, and Ringo".

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Soccer star David Beckham is married to Victoria Beckham, aka which Spice Girl?"

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