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Jul 12, 2022

[Answer] Elon Musk co-founded what company in the year 2000?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Elon Musk co-founded what company in the year 2000?"

...1. MySpace 2. Tesla 3. PayPal 4. CenturyLink

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Elon Musk co-founded what company in the year 2000?"

PayPal - Entrepreneur Elon Musk co-founded the mega-popular online payment firm PayPal in 2000. In-tune with the rise of the internet, Musk first started the online map-supply company Zip2 before selling it to Compaq. He went on to start X.com, which later changed its name to PayPal, an innovative site that allowed for the transfer of money online. Just two years later the firm was purchased for $1.5 billion by eBay. He started Space Exploration Technologies later that same year, the company more commonly known today as SpaceX. His goal was to create more affordable option for space exploration and the company has gone on to launch several successful rockets that are cheaper and more useful than those of their competitors, often carrying much larger loads for a fraction of the cost.:

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