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Jul 9, 2022

[Answer] What did “Barefoot Contessa” chef Ina Garten do before hosting her show?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What did “Barefoot Contessa” chef Ina Garten do before hosting her show?"

...Ina Garten’s cooking show "Barefoot Contessa," which debuted in 2002, has been running strong for 28 seasons. She shares recipes for all kinds of meals, from picnics and events to a simple weeknight dinner with her husband Jeffrey. Before her successful career as a chef, Garten worked for the White House Office of Management and Budget under Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter as a nuclear policy analyst. In 1999, Garten wrote her first cookbook, "The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook," and promptly switched gears from the White House to the kitchen. She has now won four Emmy awards for the show.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What did “Barefoot Contessa” chef Ina Garten do before hosting her show?"

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