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Jul 19, 2022

[Answer] What language does the Japanese dish “tempura” get its name from?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What language does the Japanese dish “tempura” get its name from?"

...1. Latin 2. Portuguese 3. Chinese 4. Hindi

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What language does the Japanese dish “tempura” get its name from?"

Latin - Tempura is considered a staple of Japanese cuisine, but the battered-and-fried dish actually originated far from Japan’s shores. The term “tempura” comes from Latin, though we have Portugal to thank for the dish itself. (Confused yet?) A group of Portuguese sailors found themselves on the island Tanegashima back in 1543, with other countrymen remaining in Japan for nearly 100 years, when they left due to religious persecution. The century they spent there was more than enough time to introduce their hosts to “peixinhos da horta,” or battered-and-fried green beans. We ended up with the name tempura due to Ember Days (known in Latin as "quatuor anni tempora"), a time set aside for fasting and avoiding meat when peixinhos da horta proved especially popular.:

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