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Jul 14, 2022

[Answer] What London landmark is famous for its ravens?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What London landmark is famous for its ravens? "

...1. Big Ben 2. St Paul's Cathedral 3. Tower of London 4. The British Museum

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What London landmark is famous for its ravens? "

Tower of London - According to legend, if ravens ever leave the Tower of London, both the tower and the kingdom itself will fall. The birds have been there since at least the 17th century, when Charles II mandated their protection. They answer only to their dedicated ravenmaster, Chris Skaife, who pampers them with meaty treats and occasionally trims their wings so they don’t fly too far afield. The current tower ravens are named Jubilee, Harris, Gripp, Rocky, Erin, Poppy, and Merlina. (The legend specifies that there must be six, and the seventh bird is considered a spare.) They live on the South Lawn of the thousand-year-old fortress and can often be seen around the grounds, although tourists are warned to be careful of their extremely sharp beaks and claws. :

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