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Jul 13, 2022

[Answer] Where can you find this famous sea stack?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where can you find this famous sea stack?"

...1. Finland 2. Norway 3. United Kingdom 4. Ireland

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where can you find this famous sea stack?"

United Kingdom - From the “Old Man of Storr” to the “Old Man of Hoy,” there are a lot of “old men” in Scotland. The latter appears in Orkney. Meaning “High Island,” Hoy is a 450-foot-tall sea stack off of Scotland’s northern coast in Rackwick Bay. The stack was formed by the water erosion of a cliff over hundreds of years, leaving only the impressive column behind. First noted in the late 18th century, the Old Man of Hoy is likely to collapse soon due to the same erosion process that formed it. You can reach the sea stack from Orkney on a three-hour, round-trip trek on foot, or you can view it from the water on a ferry from Scrabster to Stromness.:

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