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Jul 10, 2022

[Answer] Where is this twisting skyscraper known as the "Turning Torso"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is this twisting skyscraper known as the "Turning Torso"?"

...1. Japan 2. United Arab Emirates 3. Sweden 4. Canada

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is this twisting skyscraper known as the "Turning Torso"?"

Sweden - The world’s first twisting tower is located in the city of Malmö, Sweden. The award-winning “Turning Torso” opened in 2005 as the second-tallest residential building in Europe — and the tallest in the EU. Without a doubt, the skyscraper is the tallest building in Scandinavia at 623 feet tall and is home to 147 apartments. Inspired by a marble sculpture called the “Twisting Torso” in Spain, sculptor Santiago Calatrava designed his building based on the same concept. Malmö was undergoing an era of urban renewal and wanted an impactful building on the horizon. Enter the Turning Torso. The building is made of asymmetrical shapes distributed across nine sections of five-story pentagons, each rotated enough to make a full 90-degree turn from the bottom to the top. Not only is the Turning Torso easy on the eyes, but it also uses 100% renewable energy.:

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