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Jul 25, 2022

[Answer] Which contiguous U.S. state reaches farthest north?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which contiguous U.S. state reaches farthest north?"

...1. Maine 2. Minnesota 3. Washington 4. North Dakota

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which contiguous U.S. state reaches farthest north?"

Minnesota - Minnesota’s Northwest Angle is the northernmost point in the contiguous United States, and it's the only place in the country outside Alaska that sits north of 49th parallel. And on top of that, it was born out of a clerical error. According to Atlas Obscura, the map Benjamin Franklin used while negotiating borders of the new country under the Treaty of Paris in 1783 was wrong. Once the error was discovered, it seemed a bit easier to change the borders on maps, rather than revisit the wording of the treaty. There are just over 100 residents of this patch of the United States, but for the most part, it’s a quiet wilderness. And if you’d like to visit, you’ll need to cross two borders to get there, as the route north on Minnesota Highway 313 eventually meets Manitoba’s Provincial Road 12. From there, you’ll cross another border back into the United states on a gravel road that marks the entrance to the Angle.:

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