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Jul 12, 2022

[Answer] Which country is known for a "culture of cuteness"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which country is known for a "culture of cuteness"?"

...1. Denmark 2. China 3. Japan 4. Netherlands

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which country is known for a "culture of cuteness"?"

Japan - The Japanese word “kawaii” loosely translates to “cute,” and it’s the term that's most widely used in reference to Japan's passion for all things adorable. The best-known ambassador of kawaii may be the iconic Hello Kitty, a cute cartoon cat that has appeared on all kinds of merchandise for decades. But Hello Kitty is far from alone. Visit Japan, and you'll see the kawaii aesthetic in everything from schoolgirl outfits and cutesy backpacks to adorable shapes and images on otherwise mundane things like trains, vending machines, and guard rails. Japan’s cute culture first emerged during the student protests of the late 1960’s as a counterculture movement, eventually taking hold in consumer culture in subsequent years, especially after Hello Kitty was created in 1974. You don't have to love cute things to live in Japan, but you had better at least get used to them — they're everywhere!:

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