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Jul 16, 2022

[Answer] Who was the first U.S. Vice President to resign?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who was the first U.S. Vice President to resign?"

...1. John C. Calhoun 2. Spiro Agnew 3. John Adams 4. Richard Nixon

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who was the first U.S. Vice President to resign?"

John C. Calhoun - John C. Calhoun was the first U.S. Vice President to resign from office on December 28, 1832. Calhoun resigned due to strong ideological differences with President Andrew Jackson and a desire to sit in the Senate. While the men had a difficult relationship from the start, things worsened as they vehemently disagreed over the issue of tariffs. Calhoun thought of them as disproportionately hurting his home state of South Carolina. He’d previously won a vacant seat in the state days earlier which he assumed after his vice presidential resignation. In the Senate, he continued to have a contentious relationship with President Jackson and his supporters. Calhoun was a staunch supporter of slavery and defended the practice for the rest of his political career. The only other vice president to resign was Spiro Agnew on October 10, 1973. Agnew resigned due to increased scrutiny around charges of tax evasion, which he later pled no contest to.:

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