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Aug 9, 2022

[Answer] Where should you visit if you want to rock the Kasbah?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where should you visit if you want to rock the Kasbah?"

...1. New York 2. Tokyo 3. Algeria 4. Spain

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where should you visit if you want to rock the Kasbah?"

Algeria - The Clash spelled it with a “C” when they wailed to “Rock the Casbah” in their 1982 hit, but you can still visit the famed Kasbah of Algiers on the coast of Algeria. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is honored as an outstanding example of an early settlement in the Mediterranean Muslim culture. The area, where nearly 50,000 people still reside, holds many preserved examples of traditional homes, palaces, hammams, and mosques. The Kasbah may be in Algeria, but the song “Rock the Casbah” was inspired by the ban on Western music in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.:

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