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Sep 8, 2022

[Answer] What state's official question is "red or green"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What state's official question is "red or green"?"

...1. New Mexico 2. Louisiana 3. Colorado 4. Vermont

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What state's official question is "red or green"?"

New Mexico - If you’ve been to the Land of Enchantment, you already know why the official state question is “red or green?”: New Mexicans love their chile peppers, and everyone has a preference between the two. How natives answer that query tends to depend on where in the state they’re from: the north leans toward the red end of the spectrum, while their neighbors closer to the southern border prefer green. There are practical reasons for these preferences — red ChimayĆ³ peppers grow better in the cooler north, for instance — as well as cultural ones. Should you ever find yourself in Hatch, the self-proclaimed “chile capital of the world,” be forewarned that it’s home to the eponymous green varietal and answer accordingly.:

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