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Sep 4, 2022

[Answer] Where is the clearest lake in the world?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the clearest lake in the world?"

...1. Japan 2. China 3. New Zealand 4. United States

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the clearest lake in the world?"

New Zealand - New Zealand is no stranger to stunning natural formations, and Blue Lake in Nelson Lakes National Park on the South Island is just one such example. In 2009, it officially became the clearest freshwater lake ever reported when a team of researchers from the National Institute of Water and the Atmosphere (NIWA) began running optical tests and found nearly pure clarity, which is extremely rare. Nearby Pupu Springs formerly held the title of clearest freshwater lake on Earth, but Blue Lake blew Pupu right out of the water. (Pun intended!) One of the research team’s many tests included measuring how far a horizontal black disk could be seen underwater. Theoretically, pure water’s maximum distance is 272 feet; Blue Lake’s visibility was between 230 to 262 feet. If you’re thinking about trekking up to Blue Lake to have a swim in such crystal-clear waters, you’ll have your work cut out for you: The lake’s remote location makes it extremely difficult to access.:

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