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Dec 19, 2022

[Ans] What chain used Dennis the Menace as a mascot until it realized that kids had no idea who he was?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What chain used Dennis the Menace as a mascot until it realized that kids had no idea who he was?"

Dairy Queen is a chain of fast food restaurants which opened its first location in June 1940. The chain's primary product is soft serve ice cream. The company is owned by International Dairy Queen, Inc., which is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. Dennis the Menace served as Dairy Queen's official mascot from 1971 through 2002. Packaging and toys featured Dennis, along with his friends Margaret Wade, Joey McDonald, and others. Dennis the Menace was discontinued due to modern children's inability to relate to him, implying that Dennis's audience were mostly mature adults by that point.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What chain used Dennis the Menace as a mascot until it realized that kids had no idea who he was?"

Dairy Queen:

Dairy Queen is a chain of fast food restaurants which opened its first location in June 1940. The chain's primary product is soft serve ice cream. The company is owned by International Dairy Queen, Inc., which is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. Dennis the Menace served as Dairy Queen's official mascot from 1971 through 2002. Packaging and toys featured Dennis, along with his friends Margaret Wade, Joey McDonald, and others. Dennis the Menace was discontinued due to modern children's inability to relate to him, implying that Dennis's audience were mostly mature adults by that point.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What chain used Dennis the Menace as a mascot until it realized that kids had no idea who he was?"

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