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Apr 28, 2023

[Answer] The sport of BASE jumping originated in which U.S. national park?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The sport of BASE jumping originated in which U.S. national park?"

...1. Yellowstone 2. Zion 3. Grand Canyon 4. Yosemite

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The sport of BASE jumping originated in which U.S. national park?"

Yosemite - The sport of BASE jumping was invented in 1978, when a Californian skydiver named Carl Boenish and four of his friends jumped from Yosemite National Park's 3,000-foot-tall granite monolith, El Capitan. They free-fell for a while before pulling their parachutes and landing safely on the ground. Two other daredevils had achieved the first jump from El Capitan 12 years earlier in 1966, but with his successful landing, Boenish proved that modern gear and techniques made such a stunt repeatable and relatively safe. BASE jumping gets its name from the four types of sites that jumpers leap from: Buildings, Antennae (towers), Spans (bridges), and Earth (cliffs). Despite the considerable preparation undertaken by participants and the strict regulation of the sport, it remains one of the deadliest athletic endeavors in the world.:

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