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May 12, 2023

[Ans] Which of these actors has NEVER portrayed Abraham Lincoln?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these actors has NEVER portrayed Abraham Lincoln?"

Abraham Lincoln in film is not new. For decades, Hollywood has tried to capture the fascinating life of the 16th President. Acclaimed method actor Daniel Day-Lewis gave a meticulously crafted performance as the politician in Steven Spielberg’s epic historical drama Lincoln. The 2012 film was nominated for 12 Academy Awards; Spielberg won Best Director, and Day-Lewis won Best Actor. Other famous actors who have channeled Honest Abe on television or film include Gregory Peck, Kris Kristofferson, Sam Waterston, and Henry Fonda.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these actors has NEVER portrayed Abraham Lincoln?"

Charlton Heston:

Abraham Lincoln in film is not new. For decades, Hollywood has tried to capture the fascinating life of the 16th President. Acclaimed method actor Daniel Day-Lewis gave a meticulously crafted performance as the politician in Steven Spielberg’s epic historical drama Lincoln. The 2012 film was nominated for 12 Academy Awards; Spielberg won Best Director, and Day-Lewis won Best Actor. Other famous actors who have channeled Honest Abe on television or film include Gregory Peck, Kris Kristofferson, Sam Waterston, and Henry Fonda.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which of these actors has NEVER portrayed Abraham Lincoln?"

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