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May 4, 2023

[Answer] What Chinese deer is named after a French missionary?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What Chinese deer is named after a French missionary?"

...A native Chinese species of deer known for branched antlers, long tails, and shaggy coats was almost extinct by the time a 19th-century French missionary saw the last remaining herd at the imperial hunting grounds in Beijing. Père Armand David was fascinated with the animals and facilitated the transport of a few deer to zoos across Europe. In 1900, the animals went extinct in China, and the descendants of the deer that were sent to Europe were the only survivors. An English duke and zoologist named Herbrand Russell wanted to protect the species, so he collected the 18 remaining deer and bred them in captivity. Starting in 1985, groups of Père David’s deer were reintroduced to China, and the population now numbers around 7,000.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What Chinese deer is named after a French missionary?"

Père David’s deer:

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