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May 12, 2023

[Answer] Which border does the "Thousand Islands Bridge" cross?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which border does the "Thousand Islands Bridge" cross?"

...1. North Korea and South Korea 2. U.S. and Canada 3. Denmark and Sweden 4. United Kingdom and Ireland

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which border does the "Thousand Islands Bridge" cross?"

U.S. and Canada - The Thousand Islands Bridge is actually a series of bridges traversing the St. Lawrence River, from Collins Landing in New York to Gananoque, Ontario. The 8.5-mile span connects U.S. Route 81 with Canada's Highway 401. Groundbreaking on the bridge began in early 1937, and just 16 months later and $3 million later, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt met with the Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King to officially open the bridge in a ceremony that drew a crowd of approximately 25,000 people. Today, the bridge takes 2 million vehicles across the U.S.-Canada border every year.:

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