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Jun 10, 2023

[Answer] Which state was admitted to the U.S. 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which state was admitted to the U.S. 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence?"

...1. Alaska 2. Colorado 3. Louisiana 4. Massachusetts

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which state was admitted to the U.S. 100 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence?"

Colorado - When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, do you think they had any idea that the 13 colonies would expand into 50 states? In fact, it only took 100 years for the original union to add another 25 members. On August 1, 1876, Colorado was admitted to the United States of America as the 38th state under President Ulysses S. Grant. The new state had a large population of miners, hunting for their fortunes in gold, silver, and coal mines. This rough-and-tumble population was a point of contention among those debating welcoming the territory into the union. One publication claimed Coloradans were “a roving and unsettled horde of adventurers, who have no settled homes there or elsewhere, and are there solely because the state of semi-barbarism prevalent in that wild country suits their vagrant habits.” Colorado has become quite a bit more settled over the last 200 years, with tourists flocking to the mountains and other outdoor adventure opportunities. :

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