Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What was the name of Michael Jackson's high-profile pet chimpanzee?"
Bubbles the Chimp gained worldwide fame as the beloved pet of Michael Jackson. Bubbles was often spotted wearing matching outfits with Jackson, and was a frequent travel companion to the late singer. Notably, during the Bad world tour, Jackson brought Bubbles to Japan where they both drank tea with the mayor of Osaka. While their unique friendship garnered significant attention, it also attracted its fair share of media scrutiny and ridicule. At Jackson's 2005 trial, Jackson testified that Bubbles even helped with the housekeeping chores.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What was the name of Michael Jackson's high-profile pet chimpanzee?"
Bubbles the Chimp gained worldwide fame as the beloved pet of Michael Jackson. Bubbles was often spotted wearing matching outfits with Jackson, and was a frequent travel companion to the late singer. Notably, during the Bad world tour, Jackson brought Bubbles to Japan where they both drank tea with the mayor of Osaka. While their unique friendship garnered significant attention, it also attracted its fair share of media scrutiny and ridicule. At Jackson's 2005 trial, Jackson testified that Bubbles even helped with the housekeeping chores.
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