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Jul 18, 2023

[Answer] 1. Disappointed again Henry looks around for another choice of pet. Got it, he thinks, cute, cuddly, Mum will love it. Mum however looks at the cute baby animal and instantly thinks "King Kong". What unsuitable pet has Henry selected this time?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Disappointed again Henry looks around for another choice of pet. Got it, he thinks, cute, cuddly, Mum will love it. Mum however looks at the cute baby animal and instantly thinks "King Kong". What unsuitable pet has Henry selected this time?"

...1. Lemur 2. Gorilla 3. Coati 4. Tapir Gorilla babies can develop a very strong bond with humans if they have to be hand reared, and this bond can last throughout their adult life. They are not however suitable pets. Adult males can grow up to six feet tall, females slightly shorter. They live in social family groups and can be found in various parts of Africa. In the wild, provided there is no outside interference, their life span is 35-40 years. In captivity up to fifty years is not unusual. They are intelligent; look a gorilla in the eyes and there is someone looking back at you. They are curious and playful. However, Henry's Mum has decided that a large, smelly, male or female gorilla in the average sized living room is not a good idea. Many people do keep primates and monkeys as pets. However, they are not domesticated animals, and can, without warning, become very destructive and will bite. A normal domestic setting is not a good environment for any of these animals.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Disappointed again Henry looks around for another choice of pet. Got it, he thinks, cute, cuddly, Mum will love it. Mum however looks at the cute baby animal and instantly thinks "King Kong". What unsuitable pet has Henry selected this time?"


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