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Jul 14, 2023

[Answer] What do the 100 pleats in a chef’s hat supposedly represent?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What do the 100 pleats in a chef’s hat supposedly represent?"

...1. Weeks of training 2. Number of recipes invented by the chef 3. The number of ways to cook an egg 4. Loaves of bread baked

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What do the 100 pleats in a chef’s hat supposedly represent?"

The number of ways to cook an egg - The tall, white pleated hat that chefs wear is called a toque, and it carries quite a few meanings. The color supposedly comes from the fact that white was once considered the most hygienic of shades. The pleats? According to chef lore, they represent the number of ways to cook an egg. At one time, a chef's number of pleats would correspond to the number of dishes they had mastered for a particular ingredient. In many versions of the tale, that ingredient is eggs. However, the true origin behind the haute headwear is lost in the mists of time. Famed French chef Auguste Escoffier did write of the many ways to prepare an egg, but never actually made a connection between that and the hats. :

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