Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What do locals call the Chancellor's Office in Germany?"
...1. The Circus 2. The Washing Machine 3. The Building Block 4. The Aquarium
Step 2 : Answer to the question "What do locals call the Chancellor's Office in Germany?"
The Washing Machine - Visit the aptly named “washing machine” in Berlin, and you’ll be entering the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Located near the Reichstag Parliament building, where the German parliament has met since its restoration was completed in 1999, the Federal Chancellery was given the nickname not because it’s a laundromat, but due to its strange architecture. It’s the Chancellery’s 60-foot semi-circular glass facade that inspired the name. As the world’s largest government headquarters (eight times the size of the White House), the nine-story Federal Chancellery was designed by architects Charlotte Franke and Axel Schultes and completed in 2001.:
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