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Sep 5, 2023

[Answer] Where is the world's oldest Coptic monastery?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the world's oldest Coptic monastery?"

...1. Greece 2. Egypt 3. Israel 4. Iran

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the world's oldest Coptic monastery?"

Egypt - South of Cairo in the Red Sea Mountains lies the oldest Coptic monastery in the world. The Monastery of Saint Anthony was established in 300 CE by the followers of the first Christian monk. Saint Anthony was born into wealth in Lower Egypt but was later divinely visited by Saint Mark. Upon Mark’s advice, Anthony gave all of his possessions away and devoted his life to God. He then entered the desert where he lived in a small cave, which is why he is seen as the father of modern Christian monasticism. The Coptic Orthodox monastery is situated in an oasis in the Egyptian Eastern Desert and has been involved in forming multiple Coptic institutions. Throughout history, the monastery has served as a refuge for persecuted Christians. Today, it is visited by millions each year.:

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