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Oct 23, 2023

[Answer] Who only had 10 poems published in their lifetime?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who only had 10 poems published in their lifetime?"

...1. Walt Whitman 2. Elizabeth Barrett Browning 3. Emily Dickinson 4. Robert Frost

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who only had 10 poems published in their lifetime?"

Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinson lived a solitary, quiet life, choosing to write poetry for herself. In her lifetime, only 10 of her poems saw publication. It was until after her 1886 death when an extraordinary cache of 1,800 poems were uncovered. Dickinson was a keen letter writer and shared snippets of her verses with friends, but it seems she preferred to keep out of the literary limelight. By the early 20th century, critics had come to appreciate Dickinson's distinctive and non-traditional voice. Today, Dickinson is considered one of America's greatest poets.:

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