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Dec 15, 2023

[Ans] Cape Wrangell is located at what extreme point in the United States?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Cape Wrangell is located at what extreme point in the United States?"

Cape Wrangell, a prominent geographical landmark, holds a unique distinction as the westernmost point of Alaska and all of the United States by direction of travel. It is perched majestically on the western tip of Attu Island, which is the furthest point west in the Aleutian Islands. This picturesque cape is characterized by its dramatic cliffs, lush coastal forests, and stunning panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. Cape Wrangell is named after the famed Russian explorer and seaman Ferdinand von Wrangel, who explored this region in the early 19th century.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Cape Wrangell is located at what extreme point in the United States?"


Cape Wrangell, a prominent geographical landmark, holds a unique distinction as the westernmost point of Alaska and all of the United States by direction of travel. It is perched majestically on the western tip of Attu Island, which is the furthest point west in the Aleutian Islands. This picturesque cape is characterized by its dramatic cliffs, lush coastal forests, and stunning panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. Cape Wrangell is named after the famed Russian explorer and seaman Ferdinand von Wrangel, who explored this region in the early 19th century.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Cape Wrangell is located at what extreme point in the United States?"

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