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Dec 29, 2023

[Answer] 4. A tie hacker was a lumberjack who specialized in cutting trees for the production of which wooden object, necessary for much of the cross country travel of the middle to late 19th century?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. A tie hacker was a lumberjack who specialized in cutting trees for the production of which wooden object, necessary for much of the cross country travel of the middle to late 19th century?"

...1. Airplane wings 2. Railroad ties 3. Hot air balloon baskets 4. Saddles Tie hackers specialized in choosing specific trees, usually those that were very straight, and cutting them into railroad ties. It was a specific skill that most lumberjacks never mastered. A tie hack used hand saws to cut down the chosen tree and then shape it on all four sides with a broad axe. The making of railroad ties was vitally important to keeping the railroad industry growing and expanding.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. A tie hacker was a lumberjack who specialized in cutting trees for the production of which wooden object, necessary for much of the cross country travel of the middle to late 19th century?"

Railroad ties:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "4. A tie hacker was a lumberjack who specialized in cutting trees for the production of which wooden object, necessary for much of the cross country travel of the middle to late 19th century?"

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