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Dec 17, 2023

[Answer] Which environmental organization started as the "Don’t Make a Wave Committee"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which environmental organization started as the "Don’t Make a Wave Committee"?"

...1. Greenpeace 2. Environment Defense Fund 3. World Wildlife Fund 4. Friends of the Earth

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which environmental organization started as the "Don’t Make a Wave Committee"?"

Greenpeace - In the late 1960s, Irving Stowe and Jim Bohlen joined forces to protest underground nuclear tests being carried out off the coast of Alaska. They feared that the tests would cause earthquakes and environmental damage in the area. Joined by law student Paul Cote, they created the Don't Make a Wave Committee. In 1970, proceeds from a benefit concert enabled them to purchase a ship, which they named Greenpeace. The ship was the first of many attempts to prevent the tests from taking place. The committee later evolved under the new name, Greenpeace, now a global organization focused on all manner of environmental issues. :

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