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Dec 31, 2023

[Answer] Which U.S. state is home to these unusual rock formations?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which U.S. state is home to these unusual rock formations?"

...1. Kansas 2. North Dakota 3. Nebraska 4. South Dakota

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which U.S. state is home to these unusual rock formations?"

Nebraska - Want to feel like you’re in the live-action version of Super Mario World? Then visit Toadstool Geologic Park in Nebraska. The park features toadstool-shaped geological formations that jut out from the grassland. The park is also a treasure trove of fossil deposits — some are up to 30 million years old! A hike on one of the three hiking trails, each with varying lengths and difficulty levels, leads visitors through the sandstone-and-clay creations, which have eroded to form the whimsical shapes. Nicknamed the “Badlands of Nebraska,” the park also features a reconstructed sod house, which was built in other Midwestern states as an alternative to the log cabin.:

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