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Jan 5, 2024

[Ans] In 1980, the first and only Grammy ever awarded for Best Disco Recording went to which song?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In 1980, the first and only Grammy ever awarded for Best Disco Recording went to which song?"

"I Will Survive," the iconic disco anthem by Gloria Gaynor, holds a special place in music history as the winner of the first and only Grammy Award for Best Disco Recording. Released in 1978, this empowering song quickly became an anthem of resilience and strength, resonating with audiences worldwide. Its timeless message of overcoming adversity and finding inner strength has made it a beloved classic. The song is also frequently recalled as a symbol of female empowerment. It received heavy airplay in 1979, spending three non-consecutive weeks at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "In 1980, the first and only Grammy ever awarded for Best Disco Recording went to which song?"

"I Will Survive":

"I Will Survive," the iconic disco anthem by Gloria Gaynor, holds a special place in music history as the winner of the first and only Grammy Award for Best Disco Recording. Released in 1978, this empowering song quickly became an anthem of resilience and strength, resonating with audiences worldwide. Its timeless message of overcoming adversity and finding inner strength has made it a beloved classic. The song is also frequently recalled as a symbol of female empowerment. It received heavy airplay in 1979, spending three non-consecutive weeks at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "In 1980, the first and only Grammy ever awarded for Best Disco Recording went to which song?"

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