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Jan 11, 2024

[Answer] 3. Which state capital shares its name with a long-range missile, an American actor who died at a young age from a drug overdose, and a mythical firebird?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Which state capital shares its name with a long-range missile, an American actor who died at a young age from a drug overdose, and a mythical firebird?"

...1. Memphis 2. Atlanta 3. Phoenix 4. Lansing The capital of Arizona has a myriad of namesakes, including the AIM-54 Phoenix missile. The Phoenix missile is produced by the Raytheon Company, and is an air-to-air missile. It was developed for use by the United States Navy in 1974, and has a range of over one hundred miles. River Phoenix is an Academy Award-nominated actor known for his role in "Stand by Me" (1986). He also appeared as a young Indiana Jones, and received his Oscar nomination for "Running on Empty" (1988). He died of a drug overdose in 1993 at the age of twenty-three. Finally, the phoenix is one of the most well-known mythological creatures. Originating in Egypt, the most fantastic characteristic of the phoenix is that when it dies, it will be born again from its own ashes. This cycle of death and rebirth holds great appeal to many, and as a result the phoenix has been incorporated symbolically into more than one religion.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. Which state capital shares its name with a long-range missile, an American actor who died at a young age from a drug overdose, and a mythical firebird?"


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