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Jan 31, 2024

[Answer] 4. After consulting with various witnesses and experts, the Quizzyland warriors now have enough clues to help them locate the giant avocado. They find the fruit in a part of Quizzyland with which type of climate?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. After consulting with various witnesses and experts, the Quizzyland warriors now have enough clues to help them locate the giant avocado. They find the fruit in a part of Quizzyland with which type of climate?"

...1. Tundra 2. Arctic 3. Tropical 4. Steppe Avocado trees like tropical, subtropical, and Mediterranean climates. They can also do well in mild temperate climates. Any area that has a heavy amount of frost and wind, however, is not good for most varieties of avocado. The tree is indigenous to the Americas, possibly originating in Mexico, though it was being widely cultivated in Latin America when the Spanish arrived in the New World, especially Mexico, Central America, Peru, and the Caribbean.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. After consulting with various witnesses and experts, the Quizzyland warriors now have enough clues to help them locate the giant avocado. They find the fruit in a part of Quizzyland with which type of climate?"


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