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Mar 6, 2024

[Answer] 1. The Montreal Canadiens have had their fair share of excellent spells when it comes to the Stanley Cup. In which of the following environments would it have been possible to watch the Montreal Canadiens do what they do best?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. The Montreal Canadiens have had their fair share of excellent spells when it comes to the Stanley Cup. In which of the following environments would it have been possible to watch the Montreal Canadiens do what they do best?"

...1. Ice hockey rink 2. Basketball court 3. Football stadium 4. Baseball stadium The Montreal Canadiens were an ice hockey team that really set the standard in the NHL for many decades, most notably in the late 1950s, the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s. In the 1950s, coach "Toe" Blake carried on and improved upon the work of his predecessor, Dick Irvin, as he oversaw the team's dominance of the sport winning five consecutive Stanley Cups. The success didn't stop there however, as the Canadiens would pick up the Stanley Cup four times in the 1960s and six times in the 1970s.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. The Montreal Canadiens have had their fair share of excellent spells when it comes to the Stanley Cup. In which of the following environments would it have been possible to watch the Montreal Canadiens do what they do best?"

Ice hockey rink:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. The Montreal Canadiens have had their fair share of excellent spells when it comes to the Stanley Cup. In which of the following environments would it have been possible to watch the Montreal Canadiens do what they do best?"

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