Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton?"
While Hamilton is celebrated for his role in shaping the nation's financial system and his pivotal role in drafting the Constitution, his establishment of the precursor to the Coast Guard is often overlooked. In 1790, as the first Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington, Hamilton prioritized safeguarding America's maritime interests. He championed the creation of the Revenue-Marine, which later evolved into the Coast Guard. His foresight laid the foundation for the Coast Guard's enduring mission of protecting the nation's waters, ensuring maritime safety, and enforcing maritime law.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton?"
Coast Guard:
While Hamilton is celebrated for his role in shaping the nation's financial system and his pivotal role in drafting the Constitution, his establishment of the precursor to the Coast Guard is often overlooked. In 1790, as the first Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington, Hamilton prioritized safeguarding America's maritime interests. He championed the creation of the Revenue-Marine, which later evolved into the Coast Guard. His foresight laid the foundation for the Coast Guard's enduring mission of protecting the nation's waters, ensuring maritime safety, and enforcing maritime law.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which branch of the U.S. Armed Forces was founded by Alexander Hamilton?"
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