Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. This well known American actress was born Betty Joan Perske. She appeared in many films with Humphrey Bogart. What is her screen name?"
...1. Lauren Graham 2. Lauren Bacall 3. Lauren Hutton 4. Lauren Conrad Lauren's mother was called Natalie Weinstein-Bacal and later, after her divorce with William Perske, changed her surname to Bacall. Lauren's films include 'The Big Sleep', 'Key Largo' and 'How to Marry a Millionaire'. In 2009 she gained an Academy Honorary Award. Lauren Graham was born in Hawaii, ten years after Bogart died! Lauren Hutton uses her real name and Lauren Katherine Conrad is a television personality and fashion designer.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. This well known American actress was born Betty Joan Perske. She appeared in many films with Humphrey Bogart. What is her screen name?"
Lauren Bacall:
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