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Apr 24, 2024

[Answer] 2. On an American TV comedy about secret agents, one of the agents is referred to as Agent 44. He is played by Victor French. What is the name of this show, also featuring Barbara Feldon and Don Adams?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. On an American TV comedy about secret agents, one of the agents is referred to as Agent 44. He is played by Victor French. What is the name of this show, also featuring Barbara Feldon and Don Adams?"

...1. The Deputy 2. Coronet Blue 3. Another World 4. Get Smart "Get Smart" was a comedy series, that ran from 1965 to 1970 and featured special agent Maxwell Smart, played by Don Adams. Smart was also known as Agent 86. He is not very competent, but mostly still manages to save the day in the end. This is largely due to his very competent partner Agent 99, played by Barbara Feldon. Together they work for an secret government agency called CONTROL. In part of the second season, Agent 44 was introduced, as one of the other agents working for the agency. He was portrayed by Victor French and briefly by Al Molinaro.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. On an American TV comedy about secret agents, one of the agents is referred to as Agent 44. He is played by Victor French. What is the name of this show, also featuring Barbara Feldon and Don Adams?"

Get Smart:

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