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Apr 26, 2024

[Answer] 3. The world's largest coral reef system lies off the northeast coast of Queensland, in the Coral Sea. You will want to bring along your scuba diving gear when you visit which of these tourist hot spots?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. The world's largest coral reef system lies off the northeast coast of Queensland, in the Coral Sea. You will want to bring along your scuba diving gear when you visit which of these tourist hot spots?"

...1. Big Reef 2. Great Coral Reef 3. Great Barrier Reef 4. Great Queensland Reef While Australians might be tempted to tout it as the Big Barrier Reef, in line with such other tourist attractions as the Big Banana, the Big Koala, and many more, its official name is the Great Barrier Reef. Stretching for over 2600 km (1600 miles), and composed of hundreds of individual coral reefs and islands, the reef is a structure created by coral polyps. The coral reproduces by budding to create new organisms growing atop the skeletons left from dead ancestors. Its continued growth has been threatened in recent times by periodic increases of the invasive crown-of-thorns starfish (which feasts on coral) and by warming ocean temperatures. Increased water temperature leads to coral bleaching as the polyps lose the ability to sustain their symbiotic relation with the photosynthesizing protozoa that normally live in their tissue, and provide their color.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. The world's largest coral reef system lies off the northeast coast of Queensland, in the Coral Sea. You will want to bring along your scuba diving gear when you visit which of these tourist hot spots?"

Great Barrier Reef:

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