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May 17, 2024

[Ans] Which actor originally played the character Darrin Stephens on the television show Bewitched?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which actor originally played the character Darrin Stephens on the television show Bewitched?"

Dick York originally played the role of Darrin Stephens, the husband of Samantha (played by Elizabeth Montgomery) on the TV show "Bewitched." However, chronic back pain and health issues forced York to leave the series after the fifth season. In an unconventional move for the time, the producers chose to replace York with actor Dick Sargent for the remaining three seasons. This switch was made without any on-screen explanation, as the producers chose to continue the story with Sargent in the role, essentially pretending nothing had changed.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which actor originally played the character Darrin Stephens on the television show Bewitched?"

Dick York:

Dick York originally played the role of Darrin Stephens, the husband of Samantha (played by Elizabeth Montgomery) on the TV show "Bewitched." However, chronic back pain and health issues forced York to leave the series after the fifth season. In an unconventional move for the time, the producers chose to replace York with actor Dick Sargent for the remaining three seasons. This switch was made without any on-screen explanation, as the producers chose to continue the story with Sargent in the role, essentially pretending nothing had changed.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Which actor originally played the character Darrin Stephens on the television show Bewitched?"

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