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May 28, 2024

[Answer] 2. "Member of Royalty Harmed By Vegetable!" Which story is this?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. "Member of Royalty Harmed By Vegetable!" Which story is this?"

...1. The Twelve Dancing Princesses 2. Beanz Meanz Heinz 3. The Princess and the Pea 4. The Pumpernickel Plot Hans Christian Andersen wrote this children's story in 1835. It tells of the search for the perfect wife for a prince of the land. He is having great difficulty in this search as there is always something failing in all the candidates for this position. Their individual flaws reveal they are truly not the one perfect princess this picky member of royalty is seeking. Eventually one stormy night, a young woman seeks refuge in the castle, and the prince's mother sends her to sleep on a bed piled high with many mattresses and quilts. Under the very bottom mattress, she places a remarkably resilient pea. The following morning the young woman is covered in bruises and complains something hard kept digging into her. It is then that the prince and his wily mama realise she is the perfect woman they seek, because only a peerless and pure blooded princess would have skin so tender that a pea would bruise it. So Prince Seinfeld and his beautiful bride live happily ever after.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. "Member of Royalty Harmed By Vegetable!" Which story is this?"

The Princess and the Pea:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. "Member of Royalty Harmed By Vegetable!" Which story is this?"

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