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Jun 3, 2024

[Ans] The first album released on CD was by which artist?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The first album released on CD was by which artist?"

The first album released on CD was Billy Joel's "52nd Street." This milestone event took place on October 1, 1982, when Sony and Philips collaborated to launch the compact disc format in Japan. The following year, CD players and discs featuring 16 titles from CBS Records were released in the United States. The CD format revolutionized the music industry by offering improved sound quality, durability, and convenience over vinyl records and cassette tapes. This event is often heralded as the "Big Bang" of the digital audio revolution.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The first album released on CD was by which artist?"

Billy Joel:

The first album released on CD was Billy Joel's "52nd Street." This milestone event took place on October 1, 1982, when Sony and Philips collaborated to launch the compact disc format in Japan. The following year, CD players and discs featuring 16 titles from CBS Records were released in the United States. The CD format revolutionized the music industry by offering improved sound quality, durability, and convenience over vinyl records and cassette tapes. This event is often heralded as the "Big Bang" of the digital audio revolution.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "The first album released on CD was by which artist?"

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