Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The name of which fitness activity was coined by Air Force surgeon Dr. Kenneth Cooper in 1966?"
Air Force surgeon Dr. Kenneth Cooper coined the word "aerobics" in 1966. Dr. Cooper first introduced the concept in his groundbreaking book "Aerobics," which emphasized the importance of cardiovascular exercise for maintaining good health. His work revolutionized the fitness industry by advocating for activities like running, swimming, and cycling that increase heart and lung capacity. Aerobics quickly gained popularity as people recognized its benefits in improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress, and enhancing overall physical fitness.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "The name of which fitness activity was coined by Air Force surgeon Dr. Kenneth Cooper in 1966?"
Air Force surgeon Dr. Kenneth Cooper coined the word "aerobics" in 1966. Dr. Cooper first introduced the concept in his groundbreaking book "Aerobics," which emphasized the importance of cardiovascular exercise for maintaining good health. His work revolutionized the fitness industry by advocating for activities like running, swimming, and cycling that increase heart and lung capacity. Aerobics quickly gained popularity as people recognized its benefits in improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress, and enhancing overall physical fitness.
Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "The name of which fitness activity was coined by Air Force surgeon Dr. Kenneth Cooper in 1966?"
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