Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which of these cities had a mayor who later became President?"
Only three Presidents have served as city mayors before later taking the highest office in the land. Andrew Johnson was the mayor of Greeneville, Tennessee; Calvin Coolidge led Northampton, Massachusetts; and Grover Cleveland was mayor of Buffalo, New York. Cleveland focused on cleaning up the city's administration, tackling corruption, and implementing cost-saving measures.His popularity as mayor set the stage for his subsequent political career, leading to his election as Governor of New York and eventually to his two non-consecutive terms as President of the United States.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which of these cities had a mayor who later became President?"
Only three Presidents have served as city mayors before later taking the highest office in the land. Andrew Johnson was the mayor of Greeneville, Tennessee; Calvin Coolidge led Northampton, Massachusetts; and Grover Cleveland was mayor of Buffalo, New York. Cleveland focused on cleaning up the city's administration, tackling corruption, and implementing cost-saving measures.His popularity as mayor set the stage for his subsequent political career, leading to his election as Governor of New York and eventually to his two non-consecutive terms as President of the United States.
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